Dengue is a huge disease in which patients suffer bone fever, headache, muscle, and joint pain also skin rashes. also, they suffer from low platelet which affects the immune system.
With taking proper medications and rest there are some food items that should include in a daily diet to recover from this disease. so in this article, we will discuss the top Food for Dengue patients, also the food that should avoid in this condition if you want to get full information then read this article till the end.
Food for Dengue Patients:-
The doctors mostly prescribe protein and iron-rich food to help to recover from dengue fever. the following food items help to strengthen the immune system which improves the platelet count.
Papaya Leaves:-

Papaya leaves help in improving blood platelet count. it extracts enzymes like papain and chymopapain which are essential to growing blood platelets.

Spinach is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and iron and it is important to enhance the immune system by growing the platelet count.

Broccoli is good for increasing the platelet count. broccoli supplies vitamin K. Apart from this including broccoli in the daily diet provides antioxidants and other minerals.

Garlic cures inflammation, fever, and sore throat. it is best for its antimicrobial and antifungal properties. most of the experts recommend the patient for dengue recovery.
Neem Leaves:-

Neem leaves are one of the most important for dengue treatment. due to its medical properties, it helps to stop the spread and growth of the virus.

Dengue patients can take turmeric with milk for the fastest recovery. turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties which heal skin rashes.

Fenugreek stabilizes high fever which is a common sign of dengue. it helps with pain and improves sleep patterns.

Yogurt is an effective probiotic, it is essential for the immune system and digestive systems.

Pomegranate has high nutrients and minerals which help in restoring energy. also, it contains iron which is beneficial for blood.

It accelerates white blood cells count which fights against dengue infection. it is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants which help in boosting the immunity system.

Patients are recommended to include orange fruit in their diet to fight against the dengue fever virus. it contains a high amount of vitamin C and antioxidants.

Kiwi balances the electrolyte levels in the body which fight hypertension and high blood pressure. kiwi contains vitamins A and E also potassium. kiwi form healthy red blood cells to build immunity which fights against dengue fever.
Coconut Water:-

Coconut water is one of the most common recommendations for dengue patients. dengue dehydrated the body which is why the doctor recommends coconut water. it contains electrolytes and micronutrients.

Almonds help to boost immunity. it contains vitamin E and other micronutrients. so it helps dengue patients recover.

Raisins are important for dengue treatment as they boost the platelet count.
These are some food that patients should eat during dengue fever but before taking these food patient should take proper guidance from the doctor.
Q1:- Can dengue patients take eggs during dengue?
Ans:- Yes patient can take egg but should avoid yolk.
Q2:- What are the 3 stages of dengue fever?
Ans:- febrile, critical, and convalescent.
Q3:- What food should be avoided in dengue?
Ans:- high-fat and spicy foods, as well as caffeinated drinks
Q4:- Which juice is best for dengue?
Ans:- A rich mix of antioxidants and Vitamin C
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