In Autism Spectrum Disorder the behavioral and social challenges and communication could be mild or severe. in this problem, children can diagnose with trouble expressing their feelings. but if proper treatment will be given then it can reduce its symptoms and can help in managing this disorder. so if you want to know What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder then read this article till the end.
What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Autism spectrum disorder is related to the brain which is a group of neurodevelopmental conditions. due to differences in the brain cause this disability development. the patient who has Autism spectrum disorder finds it challenging to talk to anyone and has difficulties in coordination. this problem starts in early childhood and it brings many difficulties in performing daily activities.

Types of Autism Spectrum Disorder?
There are some common types of Autism Spectrum Disorder:-
Asperger’s Syndrome:-
In this, a person may be very intelligent and highly functioning but these people have difficulties in communication in their social surroundings. you must have been noticing someone who focused on their favorite topics and continued discussing them.
There could be seen some symptoms where a person finds difficulties in reading any body language and any facial expressions. they have lacking eye contact they have the inability to understand any humor.
Pervasive Developmental Disorder
This disorder is more severe than Asperger’s syndrome. this is most prevalent in children. in this, there are some symptoms like poor communication, issues with special behavior, taste, smell, touch, etc. This is also known as atypical autism.
Autistic Disorder:-
This disorder has similar symptoms but at a much more intense level. there is some notice where find difficulties in communicating with people. some challenges in interacting with people socially. and noticing some repetitive behaviors. some disturbances in sleeping and eating. those children who are diagnosed with this disorder find it difficult to play with other children and find difficulty interacting with their friends.
Disintegrative Disorder:-
This disorder is rare in this order of children who find this development normally for the first few years and start to lose mental, social, and communication skills fast. That child also loses self-care and social skills. they find it difficult to express themselves and others may find them to understand well.
Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder?:-
We will notice many unique symptoms in every child. the potential symptoms of autism spectrum disorder are:-
Difficulties in social interaction:-
It is one of the major symptoms where children do not respond to their names and do not respond when their names are being called out by someone. they always prefer to play alone and lacking in eye contact with lacking facial expressions they do not communicate with faces.
Repetition of Phrases:-
In this problem, children face difficulties in speaking and have delayed speech. they are not able to start any conversation, when they speak they take help from someone after requesting them. some children speak with not normal tone and some others repeat words and phrases without understanding the proper usage. we will notice that this child is always in help to understand any simple questions and any simple directions.
Difficulties in expressing feelings:-
That child who suffers from this disorder can not able to express their feelings and any emotions in the correct way. also, that child can not able to share their interest and become aggressive during any social interactions.
Difficulties to recognize non-verbal cues:-
In this children face issues in recognizing non-verbal cues and cannot understand other people’s facial expressions, tone, or body posture. and they can not interpret these gestures and symbols.
Behavioral Pattern:-
These children do repetition in their body movements like spinning, flapping their hands, and rocking. and they get habituated to this specific routine or if is there any changes in this schedule they find themselves frustrated.
Stiff Body Language:-
If is there any requirement for certain body movements then children find difficulties. they are not able to coordinate and become clumsy. so this result in stiff and exaggerated body language. also, these children get fascinated by an object but are not able to understand its function.
Some time child with this order half themselves. under this they bite themselves, scratching and banging their head repeatedly. these children are most sensitive to light and sound and touch and sometimes they do not feel any pain.

Causes of Autism Spectrum Disorder:-
There are not any known reasons for Autism Spectrum Disorder but it could be due to genetics and environment for this disorder. below are some major possible causes of autism spectrum disorder.
- Low weight at the time of birth
- Family member history
- Genetic disorder
- Exposure to toxins and any other heavy metals.
- Imbalances in metabolism
- Any family history of viral infection
- Any complications at the time of pregnancy
Risk Factors of Autism Spectrum Disorder?:-
These are the risk factors:-
- These disorders are more prone in boys than girls
- If there is any child in the family with this disorder then there could be a high chance of other children having this disorder too.
- If a child is born before the time of gestation then there could be higher chances of this disorder.
Diagnose Autism Spectrum Disorder:-
Below are the process for Diagnose Autism Spectrum Disorder:-
- A doctor can understand if any child has this disorder at an earlier stage. it helps in early diagnosis and treatment.
- There is a checklist for autism in toddlers and it is a kind of screening in which a pediatrician tries to find that if a child has autism
- Doctors may also prescribe a DNA test to check if is there any genetic diseases.
- Some tests are Audio and visual test which help to identify the problems in vision and in hearing which are not associated with Diagnose Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Doctors may undergo screening methods to determine this disorder
- A doctor can recommend going child psychologist if the child has this disorder
- Language pathologists and occupational therapists can help to determine this disorder
Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder:-
There are many treatments that help to reduce the symptoms of Autism Spectrum disorder. the main goal of this treatment is to enable the child to function properly. following are some treatments for this disorder.
it can be treated well through behavioral, communication, and educational therapies. in these therapies, the doctor teaches new skills to the child and tries to learn them how to focus on skills and talents. in many programs and activities child develop their social and communications skills. the doctor believes that if appropriate educational programs provide to the child then the child can respond well.
Counseling with Family:-
There is a major role played by family and close ones to help an autistic child to work on their behavioral pattern, playing with a child, interacting with the child teaching them communication skills, and appreciating them in their good so these kinds of activities can help a child to manage their symptoms.
There are not any particular medications that help to improve the disorder which is Autism Spectrum Disorder. But if the child is hyperactive then antipsychotic drugs may doctor suggest.
When should go to the Doctor:-
Sometimes the symptoms can go out of control and can hamper daily life activities. at this time you should go to the doctor who can help with this condition. following are some when you must visit the doctor.
- If a child shows sudden aggressive and violent behavior
- If a Child self-harm
- Hamper in performing activities due to over-impulsive behavior.
Prevent Autism Spectrum Disorder:-
There is The only way to control the symptoms of Autism by preventing the occurrence of symptoms. following are some prevention methods.
- Always keep a risk or a schedule
- Help child indulge in fun activities
- Always praise the child for their good activities
- Consult the doctor and allow the child to perform any certain exercise that helps to promote their well-being
- Keep away sensitive things or any object from the child.
- Always eat healthily and maintain a good diet.
- Travel with the child
Now we hope you all know now all about Prevent Autism Spectrum Disorder and its treatment. this disorder may deteriorate if the child does not take treatment in their early stage. so any time when you show any sign or any symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder you must go to the doctor to the better results in a long time.
Q1:- can music therapy reduce the risk of Autism Spectrum disorder?
Ans- Yes music therapy is the most effective therapy for the development of new skills in children with Autism Spectrum disorder
Q2:- Can people with autism live a normal life?
Ans:- Yes people can live a normal life like adults
Q3:- Can an autistic person get married?
Ans:- Yes, people with autism are more than capable of forming long-term relationships and getting married.
Q4:- Which treatment is best for autism?
Ans:- Speech and Language Therapy.
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