Tuberculosis is an infection that is caused by the bacteria known as mycobacterium tuberculosis. in this disease lungs are mainly affected but in some cases, it affects the spin and brain too. Tuberculosis mainly spread from person to person through cough and sneeze where the bacteria travel in the form of droplets and reach out to another person’s system. when there are no symptoms showing and this bacteria is present in the body that disease is known as latent tuberculosis. we will discuss in this article What are Tuberculosis bacteria. so stay tuned till the end
What are Tuberculosis bacteria:-
Tuberculosis is caused by a bacteria known as mycobacterium tuberculosis. these bacteria consist of a waxy coating with a cover of mycolic acid. this is very high aerobic and it requires high oxygen levels. these bacteria divide every 20 to 24 hours which is very low to other bacteria which divide every 20 minutes.
Pulmonary Tuberculosis:-
When the lungs are mostly affected by the bacteria which is mycobacterium tuberculosis is known as pulmonary tuberculosis. lots of difficulties for macrophages to destroy this bacteria in the lungs which is why it results in damaging lung tissue.
Symptoms of Tuberculosis:-
Below are some common symptoms of tuberculosis:-
- Chest pain
- Cough for three or more weeks
- cough with blood
- Pain while breath
- weight loss sudden
- fatigue
- fever
- Night sweats
- Appetite loss
- Chills
There are early symptoms like a low fever and low cough also fatigue. these are the above-given symptoms of tuberculosis if you find these symptoms then you have to consult your doctor without wasting any time because its treatment procedure takes some time to resolve.
Tuberculosis spread:-
There are some ways of spreading pulmonary tuberculosis
- Shake hands with someone
- Share food with someone
- Share drinks with someone
- sleep in the same bed
- Kiss anyone
As we discussed before that tuberculosis spread through the air so it can pass also through cough, sneezing, singing and laughing, and many more
causes of tuberculosis:-
The main cause of tuberculosis is the bacteria known as mycobacterium tuberculosis. a person can be affected by someone who has this disease and that person is longly related to that person. it means if there is someone who has this disease in the family then family members can be affected by that person. these bacteria grow tuberculosis very slowly.
Tuberculosis affects which body part:-

Mainly lungs being most affected by tuberculosis. but it may affect other parts too like the bones, joints, reproductive system, digestive system, and bladder system also can affect the nervous system too.
there are some other symptoms too of tuberculosis like
- Swollen glands
- Abdominal pain
- pain in joints
- confusion
- headache
- fits
Diagnoses of tuberculosis:-
There are two types of tests for tuberculosis one is a Tuberculosis blood test and the second is a tuberculosis skin test. through these tests, we can know the presence of bacteria. but these tests can not show whether the infection type either is active or latent. so for this confirmation, we should take a chest x-ray or sputum from the lungs.
if we talk about skin tests so in this test injecting just below the skin with Tuberculosis protein. after some days that injected area will see to measure if Tuberculosis is present or not. if a small induration finds it means there is a negative result but if there find large induration means the result is positive. so if is there anyone who wants how to diagnose then these tests are prescribed by the doctor and it will not take more than two days to complete.
Treatment for tuberculosis:-
If there are requirements for the treatment of tuberculosis then it totally depends on the type of infection. infection can be active or latent. so the medicine will differ for both cases also the duration will be also different. so if there is an infection latent then the medicine would provide isoniazid and rifapentine or rifampin. it can be separated or combined. this treatment can be taken up to nine months. but if the infection is active then the medicine will be different which are isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, and pyrazinamide. this treatment can go up from a half year to a full whatever the infection you should take this medicine for the full course do not leave halfway.
The time period of Tuberculosis treatment:-
Tuberculosis treatment can be taken from half a year to three years. but it depends on the type of infection. like in latent infection the patient needs to take the medicine isoniazid for nine months and rifampin for four months. but if these give combined then the treatment will be for three months. for active infection all medicine is given for 3 months and then continued for the next five to 10 months. but if the infection is not cleared then medication should continue for a year. so before taking any medicine should consult a doctor.
Tuberculosis treatment side effects:-
- Rashes
- Pain in abdominal
- Dark urine
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Nausea
Home remedies for tuberculosis:-
There are some home remedies for tuberculosis
- Can take Garlic because Garlic has sulphuric acid and it helps in boosting immunity which will fight against tuberculosis
- Mint has a rich amount of antioxidants it helps in improving immunity and helps in clearing the lungs and fighting against tuberculosis bacteria.
- A glass of Amla juice has wonderful effects on immunity
- Green tea has polyphenols and antioxidants which help to build immunity
- for lung cleaning black pepper is super beneficial
you can give these home remedies to a patient who has pulmonary tuberculosis. but also take consult a doctor before giving anyone to the patient.
Different risk factors for tuberculosis:-
There are many risk factors for pulmonary tuberculosis. below are some
- The people who come from outside of the country where high cases of tuberculosis
- Those people who are related to that person who has tuberculosis
- Those people who live in a crowded area
- That person who is taking any kind of treatment which affects their immunity like chemo
- That person who is very young and very old because their immune system is weak
- That person who has poor health
So these are people who are at high risk of tuberculosis. so hope you are now aware what are the risk factors of tuberculosis so that you can take precautions.
Prevent tuberculosis:-
Those persons who are infected with tuberculosis can take treatment at home but are careful not to spread it to others. it can be spread through coughing, spitting, sneeze. so some prevention there you must follow.
- whenever you fill a cough then take a tissue over the mouth so that droplets will not spread
- That tissue should immediately be sealed and disposed
- Wash always your hand after coughing and sneezing
- wear face mask
- Try to avoid going outside in public
- Keep room always with fresh air circulation
- Do not take any public transport
These methods should be used day to day to prevent tuberculosis.
Initial symptoms appear – what to do
so in last, it is suggested that you should be concerned too after the treatment is done. so that you will get help in the recovery of your immune system and your health. so take treatment immediately once the problem is diagnosed.
Q1:- Is there any weight loss in tuberculosis?
Ans:- Yes there could be some symptoms of weight loss in tuberculosis because of loss of appetite and abdominal pain.
Q2:- Can a person who has tuberculosis go to work?
Ans:- No it is advisable to remain at home because you will take others’ risks while going outside of the home.
Q3:- Can tuberculosis come again after recovery?
Ans:- Yes it can come again so, in that case, you should consult a doctor and take treatment again.
Q4:- How a person can make their lungs healthier after tuberculosis?
Ans:- A person can make their lungs healthy by doing some breathing exercises. which helps in proper breathing.
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